
Present-day, India is and has been the most populated region in the world, holding roughly 20–25 percent of the global population at all times in history.
The Indian Armed Forces have been engaged in a number of major military operations, including the Indo-Pakistani wars of 1947, 1965, and 1971, the Portuguese-Indian War, the Sino-Indian War, the 1967 Cho La incident, the 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish, the Kargil War, and the Siachen conflict among others.

India Mulls ‘3D Printing’ Of Weapons During A Protracted War; Myanmar Rebels Already Ahead In The Game

The battlefields are changing, and so is the duration of wars. Wars are getting protracted, putting pressure on weapon stockpiles. India, which faces the ...

‘Most Powerful’ Non-Nuclear Blast — When Israel Was Initially Blamed For Earth-Shattering Explosion In Lebanon

In a world dominated by smartphones, who would have thought that this old pager could become a devastating tool? Scores of people were killed ...

Deployed In Hotan, Kashgar & Shigatse AFB, How Lethal Are PLAAF ‘Missile Trucks’ If A Clash Erupts?

China’s Xi’an H-6 bomber continues to be in the news for its ADIZ (air defense identification zone) transgression in the East and South China ...

“Historic” Deal For India’s LCH Prachand; Set To Outflank Turkish T-129 Helos For Nigeria Deal – HAL Source

India’s indigenous light combat helicopter (LCH), Prachand (meaning Fierce), is reaching the finishing line to finalize a deal with the Nigerian Army. If the ...

U.S. Air Force’s 25th Fighter Squadron Visits India, Pays Tribute To Fallen WWII Airmen Lost Over “The Hump”

On September 15, airmen from the US Air Force’s 25th Fighter Squadron, also known as the “Assam Draggins,” visited the Hump World War II ...